Tuesday, June 15

Coming Soon To A Desktop Near You...

Lets diversify, for a minute.

I'd like to talk about all the exciting (sort of) things I have lined up as updates for this summer. Ironic really, since at the time of writing, there's very little to write about as it is.

More Exam Bitchings

At the time of writing, I am in the midst of my A levels, the most importent exams I will ever take. Since the GCSEs I took a few years ago. And the SATS exams I took a few years before that. And, of course, until I take whatever exams are required for a Philosophy degree. Notice a pattern here?

Nonetheless, once I take an exam I remember the actual content of, I'll regurgiate it into Notepad, and tell you all about how useless it is.

My Prom

This should be fun. Not long after said exams, after the year below us try poisioning us at the Leavers Lunch, we have the Prom. Technically, an excuse to dress up in suits and say goodbye to each other, in some cases for the last time. However, given my statuses as a.) Adolesent b.) Stoner c.) K80 Worshipper, my priorities are so far off of that mark, its not even funny. In order of what will probably happen, here is my plan:

-Get to prom, with K80, Tadpole, AmyJay, and whoever else will fit in a car or two.
-Find the bar. Drink. Maybe buy a round.
-Get up off my arse and dance. Whether in a group, with my date, or simply alone, it will be done very, very badly.
-Drink. Buy a round. Get merry.
-From here, the ultimate course will be, in order of preference.
--Provocative things which result in me getting sex, or as close as possible.
--Get utterly ratted on anything vaguely alcaholic.
--Band together with Frank, and get stoned out of my mind.
-Somehow get home without having my clothes ripped off in the passion, or ripped in the fights that will ensure.

An actual account of events (maybe as a guest update from someone else if I have that much fun) will be posted, with appropriate pictures of (me being a fool/any willing Less Is More crew/my lady fair). Delete as desired.

Barge Holiday

Four days going up and down a canal on a narrow boat. I'm hoping for a weeks worth of updates from this, but I fear that, without it being very tedious, I'll only get one update, maybe two.

How I'm going to keep track of it is beyond me. My options are:

1.) Laptop-based notes. A fine plan, foiled by my laptop only having a two-hour battery, and there being no electricity on a canal boat. Maybe there is? A giant car battery? I'll have to find out beforehand.

2.) Paper notes. A fine reserve plan, not so easy to convert into HTML, but fine nonetheless. Can't be anything too explicit, however. My diaries of the America trip were either a.) five words a day average b.) addressed to K80, at a point where I thought I had a realistic chance. Ha ha ha! So therefore unprintable on the Internet without me looking an utter fool. She hasn't seen them, either, don't worry...

3.) Organic memory. Ha ha ha ha ha! Yeah right.

Reading Festival

Ah yes. Reading Festival. Highlight of the summer, unless I become not-single, in which case... NO YOU WON'T GET PORN! Sick perverts. You want to see me naked?

...moving back to Reading. I can see a week or so of updates coming from this one, but much less time to make notes. Obviously, the trusty laptop can't come with me, it'd be stolen by Thursday teatime.

For further preliminary notes, see my update on it from the other month.


I see big changes ahead. Just before Reading, I will get my exam results, then realise I should have revised harder. But, with skill, I will actually get a university place. My succsess will be paraded across the site with great gusto, and whole months worths of updates will be drawn on me deliberating the changes. Oh yes. But no "life suxx!!!!11", if at all possible.

Getting Utterly Stoned Off Of MY Face

Expect at least one update written while I can barely move my arms, let alone think straight.

While we're planning ahead, I'm not going to be here on Friday, as I have a funeral to go to. Thankfully, we'll have a guest update by then. From someone not called SuperMarct? Man, you've done enough already!
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