Sunday, July 4

Prom Coverage Week Day 4: Epilogue

"Seeing into the depths of the Warp from his sanctum on Prospero, Magnus beheld a vision of Horus' pledge of feallty to Chaos upon the fields of the feral world of Davin... Alone in the entire galaxy, more clearly than even Horus himself, Magnus was given to understand the events at hand. He saw it all and understood every consequence, except his own."
Index Astartes, Thousand Sons

Yes, random quote that will mean nothing to half of you, and makes no sense in contect to the rest of you. This is the last day of the Special Prom Coverage Week, not Quote-Some-Fluff day. Well, having had two days to reflect and talk over the events with everyone else (it'll be just under a week when you read this, so maybe things will have changed? I don't know, I'm writing this on Sunday), I feel like the aforementioned Magnus, seeing all events as they unfold, but never knowing what I'm supposed to do myself.

So what has happened in the aftermath? Lets look at the major players in my evening then...

I did mention that Tadpole had a date. What I didn't mention was the circumstances. He went with a girl he works with, who already has a boyfriend located in the land Hitler once called "mein bitchen". Therefore, kissing the girl goodnight, while probably a nice gesture, would have been a wee bit silly. IT would have been a very clever idea in my case, but... we'll save the poop flinging for later.

Our lad Briangot quite lucky at the prom, it seems. He managed to secure his first kiss from a girl, for a start. Admittedly, its very annoying that he secured this kiss from my effing date, but I'm happy for the lad. I'm still saving the poop flinging.

Apparently, he was messing around with TinyOne as well. I didn't see this, because I was heidiously drunk at the time. This could either make the barge holiday I'm on as you read this difficult, or divert attention from my drinking. You'll see later, I'm probably seeing while you read this.

Tiny1 & DaniDuck:
She's one of our forum regulars. He's her ex boyfriend. They had both been going as friends ages before they started going out. Then they started going out. Then they broke up. And this was the first time they'd seen each other since they broke up. Circumstances nearly as difficult as my own, it seems.

Well, it doesn't help that Brian was "dirty dancing" with our tiny lass, as I failed to observe due to my alcahol. That kind of messed up their evening too. Oh dearie me...

My favourite dealer managed to cause quite a stir by wearing a kilt, and nearly made me threw up when he made me search through his jacket pockets... for his boxers. And when he unleashed his arse on me when we were both drunk. Apart from not bringing any weed with him, he didn't play any more of a huge part in the course of my evening. However, he has never liked K80, and I've always discounted his opinion, putting it down to superficiality. Now I realise he was onto something, and has my ear in matters of women...

Of course, first prize for "Ruining The Webmasters Evening" has to go to the bitch who he once called girlfriend, love interest and "best tits in the universe". This is possibly the worst in a two year-long string of her raising my hopes, then crushing them like rusty tins. And now, I've snapped.

Its so obvious now: she's got no respect for my feeling at all, she can't actually deal with men for love nor money, and she's not worth a minute of anyones time. Even if you have infinate amounts of time and a pain fetish. In such a case, I suggest nipple piercings attached in a circuit to a car battery, its much better for your ego.

If K80 herself is reading this, I have a special message for you, bitch. MAY YOU ROT IN HELL, YOU MANEATING WHORE. I may have spoken to you by now, I don't actually know, but if I ever see you again, I'm tearing out that ball of shit you call a heart, and sticking it down your shit-lubricated throat. All with my bare hands and a butchers knife. And that's just for starters. And I don't care how much that hurts your feelings, because you've done ten times worse to me. Eye for an eye. And if I see you again, I'll have your eyes deep fried on sticks too.

Close hateful rant

(Post scriptum: Between time of writing and now (ie, just before I leave), we have talked, she's very sorry, but if she thinks I'm forgiving her just like that, she's yet more barking. What I've already written is staying up, so that if she reads it, she'll know just how much she's pissed me off. You're quite welcome.)

Big Brother:
He wasn't at the prom, but it will have been him uploading all this weeks updates. Bless his little cotten socks. Say thank you to him in the forum, and I'll show him when I get back.

Our favourite schitzophrenic Dutchman should have a guest update for you tomorrow. If he doesn't there's no update! So rant at him, not me, if Friday's cupboard is bare.

I still have about as much idea as Magnus where I stand. But then again, I'm neither a Space Marine Primach, a cyclopeian giant, or a psychic genuis, so who's to say? I'll be back on Monday, with fresh updates written on a lazy boat journey. Until then, Chyldlings...

End prom diaries
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