Tuesday, April 27

Smoke By The Water

Only one day, and we've already got two people who've given me draft guest updates, and a few people who've expressed an interest. Looks like I've got a regular day to actually "revise" for exams I only want to pass to leave home... but anyway. This Friday, you'll either be hearing about drunken antics from SuperMarct, or hateful missives from Jonny Napalm.

So, amusing stoner stories.

My main man, best mate and skunk dealer (labelled CompleteAnarchy, because it'd make a good name on the forum), upon learning that I've started a website, suggested I write about amusing stories of me, him, and indeed us, doing funny things while being stoned. He proceeded to reel off one such story, but since I was mashed at the time, he could have told me the meaning of life and I would have completly missed it.

The problem with putting up stoner stories, is tha they always work best in conext. The tale about how I once ended up hallucinating about angels and the burning crucified has already done its rounds here, yet few people actually believe that what I was smoking was that potent.

So, just to test the waters, here is a rendition of the last time I went out and got properly wasted. Watch as the tone of the website begins to lower in advance of Friday...

Every stoner crew has many places to enjoy their illegal narcotics. From talking to my man in Amsterdam, LochNESS, I know that the Dutch prefer seafront places. We here usually use woody areas. One spot near Tescos was where Chyld, CompleteAnarchy and Xeode (as the last MSN account I had for him told) congregated. It has a blatent view of two footpaths, but its out of the way, has plenty of space for kit, and is right next to a stream.

This trip, we decided to stick to bongs, mainly because CompleteAnarchy wanted to test his new bong. Which was basically a cleaner version of his last one. Which itself was merely a drinks bottle with a pen poking into the bottem. Nothing wrong with that, actually.

So, CompleteAnarchy distrubuted requested green (I ended up with a bud the size of my little finger), I prepared a mix (you need to mix green with tobacco, because a.) it burns easier b.) if you try smoking pure green, you die. Or bring up your dinner.

load bong flick flick burn suck suck hold breathe out repeat

Oh look! CompleteAnarchy brought up his dinner! This was quite funny by this point. However, by this point in the proceedings, everything is usually funny.

Having assured our paranoia that it was all clear (I am very paranoid; every other sound turns into a policeman), we went to Tescos for food. We encountered a pair of out non-stoner friends, who said hi, tried to make me giggle, succeeded, and left.

We then somehow crossed a road, and spent time in a field. Then we departed to Xeodes house to listen to extremly fast drum n' bass. By day, we are pure metalheads, but by night of green, everything sounds good.

At some point, I went home, and went to bed.

This is your typical stoning session. There are many more, funnier tales I can tell, about being trapped in graveyards, about being in lessons totally gone, and about my 18th. But I've chatted enough bollocks for the day. Why not go join the forum, (I've only plugged it twice today!) or go outside and enjoy the sun? There's none here at the moment, but you never know...
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