Thursday, August 26

Ultimate Laziness

Aaaah, reading about Chyldio's laziness I remember My good ol' life. Lazy happens to be My middle name. I recall that one time watching a 1,200 channels of cable TV where I asked My brother to push the remote control against My thumb.

Also when someone asked when I went to the barber again to cut My hair. Well, I hate to go to the barber any way, but I hate it even more when I have to go there by bike for 4 miles or so. So, I'm actually trying to get My hair as lazy as Myself, so it won't grow any longer.

I told about My exploded cushion, it still lays somewhere in My room, because I'm too lazy to throw it some where near a bin.

I aslo told about how I killed My laptop's spacebar and I know it only takes a drop of glue to fix it... sill haven't done it.

My laziness goes so far, some times I just don't sleep because I'm too lazy to fall asleep, but My excuse is known to you all. Sleep is for the week, indeed.

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