Friday, April 30

Super the Award winner

Oh look! Its Guest Updater Day! Today, boys and girls, we have the redoubtable (is that a real word?) SuperMarct updating for us! Let's all give him a round of applause...

Firstly to introduce myself: I’m Super, a lazy Dutchie who studies communication sciences. I’m a little guy who drinks too much beer and other exotic alcoholic drinks, and complains about everything and annoys everyone. To go a bit further, my mouth is bigger than Oprah Winfrey’s ass (Am I allowed to say ass?) (You are on my damn blog! Chyld), which gets me into a lot of problems. But I do gain some respect with it too (read the anecdote).

Now you know me, go ahead and hate me. Like I do.

Normally I write about things that annoy me or things the voices in my head tell me to share with the real world, but for now, I decided to tell you an anecdote.

For a half year ago my sister lived in London where she worked at a fancy hotel. The exploit I am, I decided to visit my sis. Getting myself a plane ticket I went to the Foggy Island to wreck the city that got more inhabitants than our pathetic little, but oh so cool country. When I arrived at my sister’s crib, I heard she went to a party at her work.

“Want to come with me?”

“Name me one reason to go.”

“Because you can accompany me.”

“Sorry… Name me one good reason…”

“There is free booze.”

“Wait, I’ll get my coat.”

It all turned out to be an award show. There were all kind of stupid awards to win. Then my eye fell on the award “Best Newcomer Male”. I hadn’t been here ever, so I figured I had the best chances to win this award. I met a guy, Daryl, there and we drank by far the most and a few hours before the show started we were both drunk and everyone was annoyed by us. Of course we decided to have some more drinks and annoy the people who entered the party a bit too late.

We had fun, and time flies while you having fun and so I forgot about all the awards. Of course my sister was embarrassed by my shouting and all the bad jokes I made at the expense of her colleagues. That’s why she decided to teach me a lesson and nominated me for the category “Best Newcomer Male”. The story wouldn’t be fun if I didn’t win this award, so… That’s right! I won the award.

So, in other words, Super, completely wasted because of all the exotic drinks and without any preparation, needed to give a speech in his not-native tongue (Sounds a bit like me at my 18th... Chyld). Obviously, no one had a clue where I was talking about, including myself. But I did get the precious statue, and that’s what counts. Unfortunately I lost it in the Underground on the way back, so if you find the award “Best Newcomer Male” of the Euston Plaza Hotel in London, or you see a homeless guy with the statue mentioned above, go get it and send the precious to me.

Oh, I forgot, all stories have a morale… So, what did we learn today? Indeed, alcohol is good! (Amen! Chyld)

Well that's all we have time for this week. Tune in on Monday, and I might tell you how to make nuclear weapons out of common household items. You wish...

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