Wednesday, December 8

Existance In The Dark

Gather round, boys and girls, I'm about to rant again. This time, it isn't family that is the eye of my wrath, its not poor George W. Bush. It's a man, called Chris Weitz.

No, I don't know who he is either, and didn't until about 8am today. I opened the family copy of the times, to see that they were making a film out of the "His Dark Materials Trilogy". I assume that very few of my readership know of these wonderful workd of literature, in which case my audience is stupid. The importent thing to note, is that the over-riding theme is an attempt to destroy God, who happens to be an evil, oppressive force, rather than the benevolent creator. So what do they do to this wonderful book? Have a look. And here for The Times' article.

This angers me on so many levels, it isn't funny. Let's think about this, its a book whose primary topic is religion. This guy, Chris Weitz, decides to take it on. And then immediatly decides to take the religion out of it to avoid offending people.

What the bloody hell happened to "if you don't like it, don't watch it"? Its not an entirely hard concept to understand. For example, I know I'm not going to like it if I eat soup made out of monkey's testicles, so I don't eat soup made out of monkey's testicles. How this has eluded Christianity completly eludes me equally.

I know what went wrong. Political correctness went wrong, that's what. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for a measure of PC-ness. I don't like the idea of discriminating against people for their gender, race, religion, etc. Its pretty moronic, considering that we're all just as equal to be blown to Sunday dinner if we get hit by a grenade, say. However, its gone mad. People are afraid of being sued by idiots, so everythings padded by cotten wool. Violent computer games are demonised by mothers of children too stupid to realise that you don't go out and kill everyone after playing Grand Theft Auto, for example. That's another day's rant, but when even my dad agrees with me, you know I'm right.

And notice the quote from the BBC site "Weitz, a rising Hollywood star who directed American Pie and About A Boy, said that the studio, Nine Line Cinema, had expressed concern that His Dark Materials’ perceived anti-religiosity might make “it an inviable project financially”."

Excuse me? Whatever the fuck happened to film as an art form? Profit happened. I could count the number of films that have been made for the art of it on my testicals, and they've both been made by a man whose name rhymes with "Bicycle Whore". Here's a clue: he made Farenheit 9/11. Nothing is made where there isn't a profit, and it seems to be pure fluke when something good comes through. Disney have even made sequals to films like Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, etc. They're fucking with the original fairy stories!


I got so pissed off, I even bothered writing a letter to the editor of The Times. I'm not reproducing it unless it gets printed, so bugger off.

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